ELDER – Sambucus nigra: [ 18 & 55 ]
Grows to around 15m and has corky grey-brown bark. Leaves are pinnate with 5 to 7 oval leaflets. Creamy white flowers with five petals form a large flat flower head with a strong smell. Insects pollinate the flowers which then turn into clusters of small red-black berries. The flowers provide food for bees and other insects while birds and small mammals eat the berries. Moth caterpillars also eat the leaves. The flowers are used to make cordials and champagne while the berries are used in wine and tinctures. The bark, leaves, flowers and berries also make dyes and were traditionally used to colour Harris tweed.
Grows to around 15m and has corky grey-brown bark. Leaves are pinnate with 5 to 7 oval leaflets. Creamy white flowers with five petals form a large flat flower head with a strong smell. Insects pollinate the flowers which then turn into clusters of small red-black berries. The flowers provide food for bees and other insects while birds and small mammals eat the berries. Moth caterpillars also eat the leaves. The flowers are used to make cordials and champagne while the berries are used in wine and tinctures. The bark, leaves, flowers and berries also make dyes and were traditionally used to colour Harris tweed.