WILD CHERRY – Prunus avium: [ 12 ]
Grows to 30m and has a deep reddish-brown shiny bark. Cream coloured horizontal lines, called lenticels, are found on the bark. Green, oval leaves grow up to 15cm long, with toothed edges and a pointed tip. In autumn the leaves fade to orange and deep red. Male and female reproductive parts are in the same flower and appear in April. The flowers are white, five petalled and grow cup shaped 8 to 15mm across. They hang in clusters and are loved by bees and other insects which help to pollinate the tree. The flowers become smooth, deep red cherries and are eaten by birds and mice. Foliage is a main food source for several moth caterpillars including the cherry fruit and cherry bark moths. Traditionally cherry was planted for it’s fruit and wood which is used to make veneers and furniture. It smells sweet when burned.
Grows to 30m and has a deep reddish-brown shiny bark. Cream coloured horizontal lines, called lenticels, are found on the bark. Green, oval leaves grow up to 15cm long, with toothed edges and a pointed tip. In autumn the leaves fade to orange and deep red. Male and female reproductive parts are in the same flower and appear in April. The flowers are white, five petalled and grow cup shaped 8 to 15mm across. They hang in clusters and are loved by bees and other insects which help to pollinate the tree. The flowers become smooth, deep red cherries and are eaten by birds and mice. Foliage is a main food source for several moth caterpillars including the cherry fruit and cherry bark moths. Traditionally cherry was planted for it’s fruit and wood which is used to make veneers and furniture. It smells sweet when burned.